Fishery and Aquaculture
The Marine Technologies Bridge Mate concept can be scaled to suit workboats and service vessels in fisheries and aquaculture. Our proven DP algorithms, combined with compact operator panels and joysticks, can be installed alongside navigation equipment from any vendor. Our hardware design allows for low installation cost and a small physical footprint on the bridge where space is constrained. Specialized work modes are available. Follow ROV, for instance, is useful for surveying operations, inspections and more. Follow target aids working alongside fish farms and barges swaying in the weather and tide where relative position keeping is more important than absolute position keeping. Our DP system can also take external input as the setpoint, which, for instance, can be used to control the track over which the net is being towed.
Our fisheries and aquaculture solutions typically range between unclassed PKS (position keeping system), DP0 and DP1. All of these are ready for type approval in case regulatory requirements demand class approval in the future.

Offshore Wind
Marine Technologies is spearheading the development of onboard technology. Our DP and IBS solutions are tailored to suit the needs of cost-effective WTIV and SOV in the offshore wind segment. Be it bottom fixed or floating turbines, our technology is being rolled out to major operators of ships and wind farms. Our absolute and relative position reference systems are designed to optimize operation efficiency and safety. Semi- or fully automated planning tools for wind-farm operation are now maturing in active service. MT components integrate with power-, fuel- and energy-management systems in order to achieve our goals for a sustainable energy future. Our DP system can be integrated with systems for gangway monitoring and control and cranes. We are prepared for battery (power) notation, hybrid and all types of alternative fuels.

Cruise, River Cruise and Passenger Vessels
Marine Technologies' products and solutions are well represented on passenger-carrying vessels. From innovative projects working with academia to construct small autonomous ferries, through ro-ro's and double-ended ferries, and battery-powered sightseeing vessels to the largest ocean-going cruise ships, we deliver dynamic positioning for any required class. Our propulsion-type-agnostic thruster control system integrates seamlessly with our DP and IBS solutions. MT can combine all our systems into one, harmonized bridge environment or supply standalone DP or TCS complementary to other systems on board. MT aims to be a flexible integration partner for the benefit of ship owners, yards, and our peers in the industry. Our latest achievement is the successful implementation of a full thruster control system on the Viking Mississippi, where close collaboration with Voith in particular was key.